Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Raw Foods Help You Stay Young

Healty Living - Raw Foods

Many Americans spend huge amounts of money in an effort to keep their faces youthful and their tummies taut - whether it's by a plastic surgeon's blade or by the cosmetologist's hypodermic of Botox, it is almost amassing what people will do to "look younger".

But the age-fighting secret that most people don't know is that along with getting enough exercise and rest, your greatest weapon is in your daily shopping habits. Choosing the right foods can give your skin that dewy glow of youth. Can keep that spring in your step. And may even fight off diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer.

Many in the medical community believe that one key to slowing the aging process lies in foods that help keep your immune system happy. According to Dr. Mark Liponis, corporate medical director of the prestigious health spa Canyon Ranch and author of "UltraLongevity," many diseases that we consider necessary evils of aging - arthritis, heart disease, dementia, even the stereotypical "look" of an aging body itself - have roots in excessive inflammation. This systemic inflammation is caused by an immune system that is not up to par.

Building a stronger immune system requires a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and seeds. Raw foods have the maximum nutritional benefit. Organic Raw foods would be at the top of the list.

With Raw foods vitamins and minerals have not been destroyed in the cooking or pasteurization process. Eating refined fats, sugars and other highly refined and processed foods can actually have a negative impact on your immune function. Limit the amount of sugars and fatty meats you consume and eat lots of raw vegatables and fruit and you will see awesome results.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Echinacea - One Herb Proven To Boost Immune System

Echinacea a herbaceous plant (in botanical use simply herb)
There are nine different species and are commonly called purple cone flowers.

I know this is kinda side tracking from my normal post of Health and healing foods. I thought this herb worth mentioning.
One of my family members brought Echinacea to my attention, as an immune system booster so since this and our healthwealthfree
network of websites are based on replacing Pharmaceuticals with diet and health foods, I thought a clip on the benefits of echincea was worth a post. Go through the "cold and flu section" of whatever store you happen to frequent and look at the huge array of "Medication"
for colds and flu symptoms and NONE of it designed to CURE anything.

In the 1950s, the German pharmaceutical company Madaus began studying echinacea. Since then, nearly 400 studies have shown that echinacea can be used to improve the immune system in numerous ways. These include increasing activity T-cells, interferon and natural killer cells. Echinacea also destroys many types of viruses and bacteria. Echinacea even makes cells stronger and more resistant to invasion. That's a pretty impressive list of abilities for one herb.

In a study conducted in China in 1990, even people who were perfectly healthy found that echinacea temporarily increased their immune response, even raising their levels of interferon. Echinacea is often used in China with the herb ligustrum in an immune restorative therapy called fuzhung. This treatment, which has been found to increase the manufacture of immune cells in the bone marrow, is sometimes referred to as a deep immunity reaction because it creates more disease-fighting cells, rather than simply stimulating existing ones.

E. angustifolia (one of the Nine species of echinacea) is used as a fortifier of the immune system, mainly to prevent flu and minor respiratory diseases.Native Americans learned of E. angustifolia by observing elk seeking out the plants and consuming them when sick or wounded, and identified those plants as elk root.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What Not To Eat For A Healthy Diet


Off track a bit today, thought I should include a post on one substance that is included in my "Do Not Consume" list.
Eating white sugar will paralyze and hinder your
white blood cells from fighting off an infection.
Eating 25 teaspoons of sugar will paralyze 92%
of your white blood cells for approximately five
hours. The average American eats over 42
teaspoons of sugar per day. For example: A
banana split has 24 teaspoons of sugar. A 12 oz coke has approx. 8-10 teaspoons, a piece of white bread 2 teaspoons. It must be remembered that sugar is empty calories and junk foods interfere with the working of the body’s immune system.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Raw Food and Cancer Prevention - Eat Healthy For Life

It has been estimated that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone. Obesity, nutrient sparse foods such as concentrated sugars and refined flour products that contribute to impaired glucose metabolism (which leads to diabetes), low fiber intake, consumption of red meat, and imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 fats all contribute to excess cancer risk. Intake of flax seed, and abundant portions of fruits and vegetables will lower cancer risk. Green, dense vegetables are especially beneficial, with broccoli sprouts being the densest source of sulfurous elements. Protective elements in a cancer prevention diet include selenium, folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, chlorophyll, and antioxidants such as the carotene based foods.

Why would you not want to greatly reduce your chances of getting Cancer by just simply eating the right foods in your daily diet.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Raw Foods Are A Much Healtier Diet

Why Is Raw Food So Important?

Raw food contains food enzymes, enzymes specifically created for digesting itself. These enzymes begin the process while the food is in your mouth, being chewed. The enzymes continue the process while the food rests in the upper (cardiac) portion of your stomach. When you cook food, the enzymes it contains are destroyed and you rob the needed enzymes to digest the food from your body. If you want to keep yourself living longer and healthier you must get the proper intake of Enzymes.

What Are Enzymes ?

Enzymes are very large proteins that catalyze (speed up) every chemical reaction in your body, enabling the reactions to go fast enough to support life. Enzymes make possible everything from cellular division to brain activity. Enzymes are responsible for a myriad of reactions, from those involved in energy production to those involved in removing toxins. In fact, the quality of your life is in direct proportion to your store of enzymes.
The absence of enzymes is responsible for many diseases.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Effect on Breast Cancer of Flax Seed

Can Flax seeds Help Breast Cancer Patients ?

Canadian scientists say a common seed is proving uncommonly good at helping women battle breast cancer. Healthbeat team doctor Kim Mulvihill reports.

A new Canadian study shows the flax can significantly slow the rate of breast cancer cell growth.

"The scientific community is very interested in this study," says Dr. Paul Goss, Breast cancer researcher. "We have been bombarded by other investigators from around the world."

Researchers at the University of Toronto asked newly diagnosed breast cancer patients to eat two tablespoons of ground flax seed each day. They then analyzed samples of their tumors before starting this treatment and 30 days after. They found that women taking the flax seed slowed their rate of cancer cell growth by up to 33 percent compared to women not on flax. And there was nearly a 60 percent drop in the spread of the most aggressive cancer cells.

What's more, this nutritional treatment effect was equal to anti-cancer drugs like Tamoxofin.

We Strongly Believe That God Has Provide herbs and plants For The Cures and Prevention of Any Sickness on This Earth and will continue to study and post Natural Healing Reports.

Learn more about Breast Cancer Here

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Freshen Your Breath _ Reduce Cancer Risk

Another Herb For Health

Freshen up with parsley. You probably didn't know it, but the benefits of fresh parsley go well beyond simply adding color to a plate. This herb is actually enriched with plenty of healing properties - and who can forget the fragrant flavor it adds to foods. The two most popular types of parsley are curly parsley and Italian flat leaf parsley. Parsley is chock full of volatile oils that actually neutralize cancer-causing carcinogens found in grilled meats and cigarette smoke. There are also flavonoids in parsley that help prevent damage to cells. But the benefits don't stop there. Parsley has vitamin A and C, which brings a number of health benefits to the table. For starters, the Vitamin C helps block free radicals that contribute to colon cancer, diabetes, asthma and atherosclerosis. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which fight osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Parsley is also a source of folic acid which turns dangerous homo cysteine into benign molecules. Homo cysteine at high levels contributes to heart attack and stroke. Parsley is rich in iron and chlorophyll, which is thought to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Of course, parsley also kills bacteria and helps freshen breath.